Physical Review E – February 1997
Volume 55, Issue 2


General methods of statistical physics

See Also: Comment
Dynamical crossover in deterministic diffusion
R. Klages and J. R. Dorfman
pp. R1247-R1250 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Characterization of blowout bifurcation by unstable periodic orbits
Yoshihiko Nagai and Ying-Cheng Lai
pp. R1251-R1254 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Oscillatory correlation of delayed random walks
Toru Ohira
pp. R1255-R1258 [View PDF (92 kB)]

Classical fluids

Convection in rotating annuli: Ginzburg-Landau equations with tunable coefficients
Martin van Hecke and Wim van Saarloos
pp. R1259-R1262 [View PDF (103 kB)]
Perturbation theory for the δ-correlated model of passive scalar advection near the Batchelor limit
Alain Pumir, Boris I. Shraiman, and Eric D. Siggia
pp. R1263-R1266 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Evolution and formation of dispersive-dissipative patterns
Alexander Oron and Philip Rosenau
pp. R1267-R1270 [View PDF (110 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Field-induced optical biaxiality in chiral smectic-A liquid crystals
F. J. Bartoli, J. R. Lindle, S. R. Flom, J. V. Selinger, B. R. Ratna, and R. Shashidhar
pp. R1271-R1274 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Interactions between particulate inclusions in a smectic-A liquid crystal
M. S. Turner and P. Sens
pp. R1275-R1278 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Contribution of the smectic-nematic interface to the surface energy
L. R. Evangelista, S. Fontanini, L. C. Malacarne, and R. S. Mendes
pp. R1279-R1281 [View PDF (81 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Cellular multiplets in directional solidification
Przemek Kopczyn-acuteski, Wouter-Jan Rappel, and Alain Karma
pp. R1282-R1285 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Morphology and thermal conductivity of model organic aerogels
Anthony P. Roberts
pp. R1286-R1289 [View PDF (236 kB)]
Kinetics of liquid-liquid phase separation of a binary mixture in cylindrical pores
Lev D. Gelb and K. E. Gubbins
pp. R1290-R1293 [View PDF (114 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Frequency and water content dependencies of electrorheological properties
Weijia Wen, Hongru Ma, Wing Yim Tam, and Ping Sheng
pp. R1294-R1297 [View PDF (92 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Period control of chaotic systems by optimization
Ali Fouladi and J. A. Valdivia
pp. 1315-1320 [View PDF (163 kB)]
Fluctuations and defect-defect correlations in the ordering kinetics of the O(2) model
Gene F. Mazenko and Robert A. Wickham
pp. 1321-1330 [View PDF (213 kB)]
Roughening-induced deconstruction in (100) facets of CsCl-type crystals
Douglas Davidson and Marcel den Nijs
pp. 1331-1341 [View PDF (248 kB)]
Power law dependence found on the lifetime of a photoconductor chaotic transientnumerically induced by a fixed-step algorithm
Alicia Serfaty de Markus
pp. 1342-1346 [View PDF (95 kB)]
Critical behavior of the square-well fluid with λ=2: A finite-size-scaling study
Enrique de Miguel
pp. 1347-1354 [View PDF (148 kB)]
Dissipative quantum systems with a potential barrier. III. Steady state nonequilibrium flux and reaction rate
Joachim Ankerhold and Hermann Grabert
pp. 1355-1374 [View PDF (381 kB)]
Solitons in a uniaxial anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain with Gilbert damping in an external magnetic field
Wu-Ming Liu, Xiao-Bing Wang, Fu-Cho Pu, and Nian-Ning Huang
pp. 1375-1394 [View PDF (566 kB)]
Territory covered by N Lévy flights on d-dimensional lattices
G. Berkolaiko and S. Havlin
pp. 1395-1400 [View PDF (204 kB)]
Burgers' flows as Markovian diffusion processes
Piotr Garbaczewski, Grzegorz Kondrat, and Robert Olkiewicz
pp. 1401-1412 [View PDF (253 kB)]
Irregular and fractal resonators with Neumann boundary conditions: Density of states and localization
S. Russ, B. Sapoval, and O. Haeberlé
pp. 1413-1421 [View PDF (217 kB)]
Unified model for the study of diffusion localization and dissipation
Doron Cohen
pp. 1422-1441 [View PDF (397 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Solvable aggregation-annihilation processes with greater than two components
Ligen Zhang and Z. R. Yang
pp. 1442-1447 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Damage spreading in the q-state Potts model
Marta F. de A. Bibiano, F. G. Brady Moreira, and A. M. Mariz
pp. 1448-1450 [View PDF (88 kB)]
Quantum instability of the flux lines in the coherent state representation
Gonzalo García de Polavieja and Mark S. Child
pp. 1451-1456 [View PDF (286 kB)]
Brézin-Zee dynamical correlator: An S-matrix Brownian motion approach
A. M. S. Macêdo
pp. 1457-1462 [View PDF (127 kB)]
Synchronization, chaos, and the breakdown of collective domain oscillations in reaction-diffusion systems
C. B. Muratov
pp. 1463-1477 [View PDF (1,053 kB)]
Theory of stochastic resonance in signal transmission by static nonlinear systems
Fraņcois Chapeau-Blondeau and Xavier Godivier
pp. 1478-1495 [View PDF (367 kB)]
Time mapping in power series expansions for the time evolution operator
A. N. Drozdov
pp. 1496-1507 [View PDF (220 kB)]
Fractal dimension of collision cascades
F. Kun and G. Bardos
pp. 1508-1513 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Percolation thresholds and universal formulas
S. C. van der Marck
pp. 1514-1517 [View PDF (86 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Equivalence of ideal gases in two dimensions and Landen's relations
M. Howard Lee
pp. 1518-1520 [View PDF (77 kB)]
Brownian dynamics simulation of the prehistory problem
M. Morillo, J. M. Casado, and J. Gómez-Ordóñez
pp. 1521-1524 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Dynamical exponent of rough surface with quenched noise
Junzhong Yang and Gang Hu
pp. 1525-1529 [View PDF (130 kB)]

Classical fluids

Propagation and structure of planar streamer fronts
Ute Ebert, Wim van Saarloos, and Christiane Caroli
pp. 1530-1549 [View PDF (437 kB)]
Binary collision contribution to the longitudinal current correlation function of dense fluids
Rajneesh K. Sharma, K. Tankeshwar, K. N. Pathak, S. Ranganathan, and R. E. Johnson
pp. 1550-1557 [View PDF (193 kB)]
Microstructure functions for a model of statistically inhomogeneous random media
J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato
pp. 1558-1565 [View PDF (301 kB)]
Molecular spin in a fluid undergoing Poiseuille flow
Karl P. Travis and D. J. Evans
pp. 1566-1572 [View PDF (176 kB)]
Invariance principle for extension of hydrodynamics: Nonlinear viscosity
Iliya V. Karlin, G. Dukek, and T. F. Nonnenmacher
pp. 1573-1576 [View PDF (94 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Properties of ridges in elastic membranes
Alexander E. Lobkovsky and T. A. Witten
pp. 1577-1589 [View PDF (310 kB)]
Hamiltonian formulation for the diffusion equation
Jacques Lewalle
pp. 1590-1599 [View PDF (188 kB)]
Experimental evaluation of acceleration correlations for locally isotropic turbulence
Reginald J. Hill and S. T. Thoroddsen
pp. 1600-1606 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Semiphenomenological effective-medium theory of multicomponent nucleation
V. I. Kalikmanov and M. E. H. van Dongen
pp. 1607-1616 [View PDF (199 kB)]
Locally self-similar, finite-time collapse in a high-symmetry vortex filament model
R. B. Pelz
pp. 1617-1626 [View PDF (563 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Orientation and surface anchoring of nematic liquid crystals on linearly polymerized photopolymers
H. G. Galabova, D. W. Allender, and J. Chen
pp. 1627-1631 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Relaxation time of molecular rotation about its long axis in the smectic-A phase of ferroelectricand antiferroelectric liquid crystals as observed by picosecond optical Kerr effect
Kouichi Miyachi, Yoichi Takanishi, Ken Ishikawa, Hideo Takezoe, and Atsuo Fukuda
pp. 1632-1636 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Pretransitional nematic ordering in liquid crystals with dispersed polymer networks
Y. K. Fung, A. Borstnik, S. Zumer, D.-K. Yang, and J. W. Doane
pp. 1637-1645 [View PDF (448 kB)]
Morphology and electro-optic properties of polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal films
Karl Amundson, Alfons van Blaaderen, and Pierre Wiltzius
pp. 1646-1654 [View PDF (809 kB)]
Pattern formation and instability of smectic-A filaments grown from an isotropic phase
Hiroyoshi Naito, Masahiro Okuda, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can
pp. 1655-1659 [View PDF (231 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Self-consistent-field theory of a brush of randomly branched polymers
Shi-Min Cui and Zheng Yu Chen
pp. 1660-1667 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Inhomogeneous shear flows of wormlike micelles:mA master dynamic phase diagram
Jean-Fraņcois Berret, Grégoire Porte, and Jean-Paul Decruppe
pp. 1668-1676 [View PDF (220 kB)]
Phase behavior of colloid plus polydisperse polymer mixtures
Richard P. Sear and Daan Frenkel
pp. 1677-1681 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Kinetics of phase transitions in weakly segregated block copolymers: Pseudostable and transient states
Shuyan Qi and Zhen-Gang Wang
pp. 1682-1697 [View PDF (1,359 kB)]
Invasion percolation on self-affine topographies
G. Wagner, P. Meakin, J. Feder, and T. Jøssang
pp. 1698-1703 [View PDF (302 kB)]
Diffusion of a polymer chain in porous media
V. Yamakov and A. Milchev
pp. 1704-1712 [View PDF (161 kB)]
Capillary condensation between disks in two dimensions
Tamir Gil and John H. Ipsen
pp. 1713-1721 [View PDF (172 kB)]
Two-order-parameter model for an oil-water-surfactant system
Shigeyuki Komura and Hiroya Kodama
pp. 1722-1727 [View PDF (379 kB)]
Cooperative chiral order in copolymers of chiral and achiral units
J. V. Selinger and R. L. B. Selinger
pp. 1728-1731 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Thermodynamics of moving Gibbs dividing surfaces
Liqiu Wang
pp. 1732-1738 [View PDF (141 kB)]
Bubble-scale model of foam mechanics:mMelting, nonlinear behavior, and avalanches
D. J. Durian
pp. 1739-1751 [View PDF (379 kB)]
Dynamics of vacancy-mediated phase separation
Sanjay Puri
pp. 1752-1757 [View PDF (201 kB)]

Biological physics

Supercoiled and braided DNA under tension
John F. Marko
pp. 1758-1772 [View PDF (304 kB)]
Reflection and transmission of nonlinear blood waves due to arterial branching
Wen-shan Duan, Ben-ren Wang, and Rong-jue Wei
pp. 1773-1778 [View PDF (128 kB)]
Two-way silicon-neuron interface by electrical induction
Alfred Stett, Bernt Müller, and Peter Fromherz
pp. 1779-1782 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Gel electrophoresis and diffusion of ring-shaped DNA
Uri Alon and David Mukamel
pp. 1783-1793 [View PDF (194 kB)]
Hydrodynamics of a DNA molecule in a flow field
R. G. Larson, T. T. Perkins, D. E. Smith, and S. Chu
pp. 1794-1797 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Stochastic resonance in models of neuronal ensembles
Dante R. Chialvo, André Longtin, and Johannes Müller-Gerking
pp. 1798-1808 [View PDF (279 kB)]
Large deviations of the average shapes of vesicles from equilibrium:Effects of thermal fluctuations in the presence of constraints
Volkmar Heinrich, France Sevsek, Sasa Svetina, and Bostjan Zeks
pp. 1809-1818 [View PDF (248 kB)]
Approximate analytical solutions to the bidomain equations with unequal anisotropy ratios
Bradley J. Roth
pp. 1819-1826 [View PDF (145 kB)]

Plasma physics

Detailed comparison of experimental and theoretical heliumlike Ti and Ca satellite line spectra emitted from a laser-produced plasma
A. Demir, P. Zeitoun, G. J. Tallents, E. Fill, G. Jamelot, Y. L. Li, M. Nantel, G. J. Pert, B. Rus, and D. Schlögl
pp. 1827-1835 [View PDF (195 kB)]
Deexcitation and recombination of excited ions through doubly excited levels in a dense recombining plasma: Lithiumlike recombining plasma laser
Tetsuya Kawachi and Takashi Fujimoto
pp. 1836-1842 [View PDF (176 kB)]
Frequency downshifting and trapping of an electromagnetic wave by a rapidly created spatially periodic plasma
James Faith, S. P. Kuo, and Joe Huang
pp. 1843-1851 [View PDF (233 kB)]
Effects of ion temperature on electrostatic solitary structures in nonthermal plasmas
A. A. Mamun
pp. 1852-1857 [View PDF (155 kB)]
Boundary conditions including sheath effects at a plasma-facing surface
C. A. Ordonez
pp. 1858-1871 [View PDF (234 kB)]

Physics of beams

Radiation by charged particles in nonuniform acceleration:The inapplicability of Larmor's formula
R. Lieu, W. I. Axford, and J. F. McKenzie
pp. 1872-1875 [View PDF (96 kB)]
Small signal theory of an E×B drifting electron laser
Spilios Riyopoulos
pp. 1876-1886 [View PDF (252 kB)]
Gain and saturation in free-electron laser oscillators
Vinit Kumar and Srinivas Krishnagopal
pp. 1887-1893 [View PDF (154 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Variational approach to solitons in systems with cascaded χ(2)snonlinearity
V. M. Agranovich, S. A. Darmanyan, A. M. Kamchatnov, T. A. Leskova, and A. D. Boardman
pp. 1894-1898 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Vector spatial solitons influenced by magneto-optic effects in cascadable nonlinear media
A. D. Boardman and K. Xie
pp. 1899-1909 [View PDF (485 kB)]
Generalized asymptotic description of the propagated field dynamics in Gaussian pulse propagation in a linear, causally dispersive medium
Constantinos M. Balictsis and Kurt E. Oughstun
pp. 1910-1921 [View PDF (263 kB)]
Nonlinear rotating modes: Green's-function solution
Shozo Takeno and Michel Peyrard
pp. 1922-1928 [View PDF (228 kB)]
Autoresonant excitation and evolution of nonlinear waves:mThe variational approach
L. Friedland
pp. 1929-1939 [View PDF (246 kB)]
Energy dissipation for quasielastic granular particle collisions
W. A. M. Morgado and I. Oppenheim
pp. 1940-1945 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Wave field determination using tomography of the ambiguity function
Jinhong Tu and Shinichi Tamura
pp. 1946-1949 [View PDF (87 kB)]
Eigenfunction expansion of the dyadic Green's function in a gyroelectric chiral medium by cylindrical vector wave functions
Dajun Cheng
pp. 1950-1958 [View PDF (204 kB)]
See Also: Comment
Geometrical and transport properties of random packings of spheres and aspherical particles
D. Coelho, J.-F. Thovert, and P. M. Adler
pp. 1959-1978 [View PDF (596 kB)]

Computational physics

Bead-Fourier path-integral Monte Carlo method applied to systems of identical particles
P. N. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, M. O. Nesvit, and R. I. Gorbunov
pp. 1979-1997 [View PDF (369 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Irregular behaviors of two chemical oscillators with a diffusion coupling
Kenji Miyakawa, Tadao Okabe, and Fumitaka Sakamoto
pp. 2005-2008 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Analysis of minimal pinning density for controlling spatiotemporal chaosof a coupled map lattice
Y. S. Kwon, S. W. Ham, and K. K. Lee
pp. 2009-2012 [View PDF (173 kB)]
Attractor for the mean-field equations of the hysteretic dynamics of a quantum spin model:Analytical solution
Subir K. Sarkar and Debashish Bose
pp. 2013-2015 [View PDF (68 kB)]
Noise-enhanced capacity via stochastic resonance in an asymmetric binary channel
Fraņcois Chapeau-Blondeau
pp. 2016-2019 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Monte Carlo study of the molecular-weight distribution of living polymers
Yannick Rouault and Andrey Milchev
pp. 2020-2022 [View PDF (63 kB)]

Classical fluids

Three-dimensional traveling-wave solutions in plane Couette flow
M. Nagata
pp. 2023-2025 [View PDF (82 kB)]
Role of orientation in the structure and dynamics of a supercooled molecular liquid
W. J. Ma and S. K. Lai
pp. 2026-2029 [View PDF (119 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Surface-enhanced ordering and layer-thinning transitions in freely suspended smectic-A films
Y. Martínez-Ratón, A. M. Somoza, L. Mederos, and D. E. Sullivan
pp. 2030-2033 [View PDF (92 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Dynamic correlations in porous media
J. C. Lee
pp. 2034-2037 [View PDF (73 kB)]

Biological physics

Microtubules: Montroll's kink and Morse vibrations
Haret Codratian Rosu
pp. 2038-2039 [View PDF (75 kB)]
Sources of periodical force in noisy integrate-and-fire models of neuronal dynamics
Petr Lánský
pp. 2040-2043 [View PDF (85 kB)]

Plasma physics

Power exchange between crossed laser beams and the associated frequency cascade
C. J. McKinstrie, V. A. Smalyuk, R. E. Giacone, and H. X. Vu
pp. 2044-2047 [View PDF (154 kB)]
Variational calculation for maximal heat transport due to the ion-temperature gradient
Chang-Bae Kim
pp. 2048-2051 [View PDF (113 kB)]

Physics of beams

Impedance of a coaxial cavity coupled to the beam pipe through a small hole
S. De Santis and L. Palumbo
pp. 2052-2055 [View PDF (123 kB)]
Storage-ring free-electron-laser amplifiers and the microwave instability
G. Dattoli, A. Renieri, and G. Voykov
pp. 2056-2058 [View PDF (83 kB)]
Effect of linear coupling on nonlinear resonances in betatron motion
G. De Ninno and E. Todesco
pp. 2059-2062 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Quantum dynamics of an electric charge in an oscillating pulsed magnetic field
I. S. Oliveira, A. P. Guimarães, and X. A. da Silva
pp. 2063-2066 [View PDF (102 kB)]


Comment on ``Fast dynamics of glass-forming glycerol''
K. L. Ngai and C. M. Roland
pp. 2069-2070 [View PDF (39 kB)]
Reply to ``Comment on `Fast dynamics of glass-forming glycerol' ''
J. Wuttke, W. Petry, and F. Fujara
pp. 2071 [View PDF (22 kB)]


Erratum: Effective χ in a lattice theory of mixtures [Phys. Rev. E 54, 2723 (1996)]
P. D. Gujrati
pp. 2072 [View PDF (57 kB)]